Review of Robotics Development. Part 1. (Robotics to the Xx Century)

: pp. 67 - 77
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The main stages of robotics development in the world are analyzed in the work. It has been shown that robotics has become an integral part of various areas of human production and research, the attention to which is constantly growing. Thanks to the development of robotics, new colors have taken over in people’s lives: robots now perform most of the routine work, significantly reduce production time, promote human development and solve a number of unsolved problems. Robots fly into space, help the disabled, the elderly, explore the bowels of the Earth and work in factories and plants. They are a reflection of the progress of mankind and evolve with.

  1. Talos . Dostup do resursu: .
  2. Mythology. Folklore. Religion. Dostup do resursu:
  3. An Ancient Greek Computer. Dostup do resursu:
  4. Chernukhin Yu. V. Vvedenie v robototekhniku: Uchebnoe posobie. — Taganrog: TRTI, 1990. — 46 s. + 
  5. Hero (or Heron) of Alexandria. Dostup do resursu:
  6. Pre-IBM PC Computers. Dostup do resursu:
  7. Istoriya sozdaniya robotov. Pervy`e mekhanicheskie shedevry` XVIII veka. Dostup do resursu:
  8. Samuel Morland Dostup do resursu:
  9. On Jacques de Vaucanson and his Duck Dostup do resursu:
  10. Pavlyuk E.I`., Mokrenko P.V., Yurish S.Yu Modelyuvannya i` keruvannya rukhom avtonomnogo mobi`l`nogo robota v chastkovo nevi`domomu otochenni` // Vimi`ryuval`na tekhni`ka ta metrologi`ya. Vipusk 57,2000. #356. S.69-77.
  11. Konyukh V.L. Osnovy` robototekhniki. Rostov n/D: Feniks, 2008.-231s.
  12. History of robots. Dostup do resursu :
  13. Khorn B.K.P. Zrenie robotov : Per. S angl.- M.:Mir,1989. — s.
  14. Robot history. Dostup do resursu: robotHistory.html
  15. Pavliuk E.I., Mokrenko P.V., Yurysh S.Yu Modeliuvannia y upravlinnia rukhom avtonomnoho mobilnoho robota. // Visn. DU “Lvivska politekhnika” 1998. № 356. S.69-77.
  16. Der Roboter. Dostup do resursu : afd0277884b93470/showarticle/d7ccf755-479f-47d0-bba0-0426226cdeab.aspx
  17. Biography of Blaise Pascal, 17th Century Inventor of the Calculator. Dostup do resursu:
  18. Educator story robot Dostup do resursu:
  19. A Short History of Robots . Dostup do resursu:
  20. RoboTuna I (robot-tuna) Dostup do resursu: id=robots