Administration of access rights to the corporate network with the integrated automation of the bank


Chaplyga V., Nyemkova E., Ivanishin S., Shandra Z.

Vyacheslav Chaplyga-1, Elena Nyemkova-1, Serge Ivanishin-1, Zenon Shandra-2 

  1. Lviv Institute of Banking the University of Banking of the NBU,
  2. National university Lviv Polytechnic

The article is devoted to the administration of access rights in Role-Based model Access Control to the corporate banking networks. Four main functional roles are offered in accordance with the international standard CobiT. The problem of remote connectivity to information resources of banks in terms of security is similar to the problem BYOD. There are proposed an algorithm of the automated control of remote access. The algorithm is based on the separation of the work area in the virtual space of the bank's server. The mathematical model of access for basic functional roles is presented.

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