Information Protection in the System of Competence-based Characteristics Increasing and Evaluation of Auditor’s Knowledge Level


Ivanyuk K.

Львівський інститут банківської справи Університету банківської справи Національного банку України, кафедра економічної кібернетики

Continuous increasing knowledge of auditors is very important and yet difficult task Implementation of new technologies and automation of the learning process much easier and even cheaper this task. However, the automation of the process increasing the competence of auditor entails a number of threats related to unauthorized access, damage or theft of the information contained in the system. In the design process of system for competence diagnostic and increasing knowledge of auditors developed a number of measures to facilitate the recognition of users, the distribution of their rights, and to ensure its integrity. In the future it is planning to expand data protection system competence diagnosis and increased knowledge of auditors.

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