: 88-93
National University Lviv Polytechnic
National University Lviv Polytechnic
National University Lviv Polytechnic
Lviv University of Trade and Economics

Dry alcoholic yeast is increasingly used in the production of ethyl alcohol, especially low-power, which is not equipped with machines for growing pure yeast culture. The advantages of using dry yeast are reducing the duration of cultivation, reducing the cost of equipment and energy, microbiological purity. However, before introducing into fermenters, dry yeast requires the regeneration of its enzymatic activity, since physiological changes occur during drying. Previous studies have found that electrochemically activated water has a positive effect on the biosynthetic activity of yeast species Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Therefore, it is important to study the process of rehydration of dry alcoholic yeast in order to restore their activity and intensify the process of grain wort fermentation.

An analysis of recent studies and publications suggests that modern breeding methods provide industry with highly productive microorganism strains. However, the viability of such yeasts is often reduced, the number of dead cells substantially exceeds the required level. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the reactivation of yeast, because the introduction of dry culture preparations directly into the wort often leads to the death of a significant number of cells. Since an important factor influencing the metabolism of yeast is the pH value, it is proposed to rehydrate dry yeast in electrochemically activated water, whose pH values have a wide range.

The rehydration of dry alcoholic yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Deltaferem AL-18 in the electrochemically activated water for 15 minutes was investigated. The results of the research have shown that the number of cells with kidneys during the generation of rehydrated in catholyte, anolytic, catholyte and anolyte mixtures in the ratio of 1: 1 yeast is 7.1 to 24.3% higher compared to control. Rehydration of the yeast improves their physiological state, providing after generation higher glycogen content in the cells and a smaller number of cells stained with methylene blue. These indices are important for the further efficient fermentation of wort carbohydrates to ethanol.

It was found that the amount of cultured yeast was higher when used for rehydration of electrochemically activated water, while yeast rehydrated in the catholyte had the highest specific reproduction rate among the samples studied.

The possibility of using electrochemically activated water for rehydration of dry alcoholic yeast, which provides improvement of their physiological state and increase of generative activity, is investigated.

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