Features of synthesis of triazenes of the anthraquinone series

: 92-96
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Article, authors Taras T.M., Deychakivskyy Yu.I., Shupenyuk V.I, Sapadakh O.P., Bolibrukh L.D., "Features of synthesis of triazenes of the anthraquinone series" is devoted to the study of the structure of triazenes on the basis of available derivatives 9,10 anthraquinone by methods of high-resolution chromatic-mass spectroscopy,  1H and  13C-NMR and IR spectroscopy. In the article, the authors cover the problem of the prototropy of triazenes, which occurs during the recrystallization of 2- [2- (morpholin-4-yl) diazenyl] anthra-9,10-dione and describes the formation of 2-hydroxyanthracene-9,10-dione.The authors provide convenient methods for diazotization of α-amino-9,10-anthracen-dione, β-amino-9,10-anthracen-dione and bromaminic acid, which were developed based on the analysis of literary sources and own experimental data. The authors of the article synthesized the diazole compounds with the maximum yield of the N-azo combination with heterocyclic, aliphatic and aromatic amines.

Article, authors Taras T.M., Deychakivsky Yu.I., Shupenyuk V.I., Sabadakh O.P., Bolibrukh L.D., consists of three parts. In the first part, introduction, the authors substantiate the purpose of the described research, show the need for the synthesis of new nitrogen-containing derivatives of 9,10-anthraquinone, carry out a thorough analysis of the previous studies of triazene production reactions based on this analysis, the relevance of the described research is substantiated. In the second part, materials and methods of research, the authors cite data on the purity of the raw materials used for synthesis, and also provide the methods on the basis of which were obtained triazene.The authors of the article point out the data of the devices which were used to study the structure of derived derivatives and directly to the data of the physico-chemical analysis of synthesized triazenes. In the third part, the results of the research and their discussion, the authors directly indicate the reactions received triazenes, describe the main problems and ways to solve them. In particular, it is suggested to synthesize triazenes using low-level diazobenzidines using diazobrominamic acid.The presence of tautomeric forms in the triazen of 1- [3- (benzoic acid) triaz-1-en-1-ol] -4-bromo-9,10-dioxo-9,10-dihydroanthracene-2-sulfonate acid was confirmed in the presence of 1H spectra NMR displacements of the NH-proton in the far region, indicating the formation of a hydrogen bond between the NH-proton and the carboxyl group of anthraquinone. The article concludes with the conclusions and list of used literary sources.

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