Іnfluence of acoustic radiation of ultrasonic range on modification of natural clinoptilolite by ions of argentums

: 33-38
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

It was found that under the action of acoustic vibrations of the ultrasonic (US) range, the rate of sorption of Argentum ions and the static capacity of clinoptilolite are much higher than for the original natural zeolite. Pre-activation of the zeolite at 350 °С allows to increase the content of Argentum ions.An increase in both the power of the US-radiation and the modification temperature makes it possible to increase the static capacity of the zeolite.It is shown that the process of modification of clinoptilolite occurs mainly in the transition region. It is established that the modification occurs by a mixed ion-sorption mechanism.

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