State and factors of development perspectives of tourist activity in Ukrainian regions

: pp.47-53
Lviv Politechnic National University
Lviv Politechnic National University

In the paper the regional peculiarities of tourism activities in the regions of Ukraine have been analyzed with use of correlation analysis, the method of a point assessment and with definition of the coefficient of determination. The impact of the factors such as competition in the tourist market, the population size and personal income, tourism resources on the development of tourism business has been analysed. The comparison of the tourist potential of the regions of Ukraine has been carried out with the use of the value index of tourist enterprises. A comprehensive assessment of the internal tourism potential of the regions of Ukraine has been implemented. It has been determined that the lack of attention to peculiarities of each region is one of the major shortcomings of the state policy of tourism regulation under the conditions of limited financial resources. At that choice of the state regulation is complicated by the perspective of Ukraine`s integration into the international community the essential condition of which is a strong and competitive tourism industry.

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