Department of Culture and Tourism of Chernihiv city council, Chernihiv

 The article considers such a historical and fortification phenomenon as church
defense complexes. Their existence dates back to the late MiddleAges and Early Modern Times.
This type of fortified structures was spread on the territory of such modern countries as the
Republic of Poland, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Belarus, and Romania. Ukraine is no
The question of the existence of church defense complexes or defense churches was
considered by Ukrainian historiography during the 20th century exclusively on the territory of
the Western Ukrainian and part of the Right Bank of Ukraine. However, the question arises
whether such complexes existed on the Left Bank of Ukraine including Chernihiv region? The
problem with the allocating of this type of fortifications in Chernihiv region is problematic due
to the fact that they were wooden. Today there are almost no traces of them left on the earth's
surface. These complexes can be studied only by a small number of written sources, as well as
archaeological remains. Therefore, by the beginning of the 21st century they did not come in
a view of researchers. A brief review of the above issues in this article allowed us to make some
conclusions. The article gives an example of 7 complexes that could be classified as defensive.
These are primarily churches in such settlements as Stolne, Loknyste, Veresoch, Kladkivka,
Pechi, Olenivka and Saltykova Divytsia. In general, these were architectural ensembles
consisting of a wooden fence or a stockade, the church sometimes with the bell tower. The bell
tower also simultaneously served as an observation and signal point, defensive tower. Such
defensive churches were not stationary fortresses. They served as temporary fortifications in
case of sudden Tatar attacks. Тhe military and political situation in the Left Bank of Ukraine
stabilized at the beginning of the 18th century. Due to that fact church defensive functions
gradually disappear with its fortification elements.

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