The main factors of higher technical education development in Lviv in XIX – beginning XX century

: pp. 33 - 36
Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences Lviv Polytechnic National University


The article deals with the problem of technical education development in Halychyna in European context. Allocated and summarizes the economical and political factors that define new approaches and forms of the technical education development in Europe.

Industrial revolution in the leading European countries in the XIX century was accompanied by important scientific and technological discoveries and wide introduction into the production of new technologies. New discoveries were made in the field of communications and сonnections, electricity, mathematics, chemistry. Technological innovations in the chemical and electrical industry created conditions for a qualitatively higher level of industrialization development in the 19th century, have lead to structural changes in the industrial sector, the emergence and development of its new branches related to machine, electrical engineering and chemical production. Growing production capacities stimulated the further development of technical education.

Issues that stimulated the reform of the technical education were allocated and summarized. It was substantiated that the genesis of technical education in Galicia took place in the broad European context of the search for optimal forms and models of training of professional engineers and technicians to meet the needs of the industry in the conditions of powerful industrial development.

Different models of technical education in different European countries have been analyzed. The problem of the struggle of polytechnic and technical faculties of universities for comparing them with universities, the consequence of which was the spread of the name “technical university” in many countries, in particular Central Europe, was outlined.`

It was found that qualitative progress in the development of scientific knowledge in the XIX – beg. XX century led to the unprecedented development of industrial society, actualizing the genesis of vocational and higher technical education. Scientific discoveries and production needs required the proper training of technical staff, stimulated the reform of classical university education and the further development of it technical component.

It was found out that the need for “industrialization” of Galicia, the training of specialists in the industrial sector, actualized in the second half of XIX – early XXth centuries in the context of the development of technical education in Austria-Hungary, whose government created conditions to meet the industrial needs of technical staff. The opening of the institutions of technical and trade direction – the real school and the Technical Academy in Lviv, were aimed at meeting the needs of production and the market in the training of technical staff.

The significance of the historical experience of the establishment and development of the Lviv Polytechnic University as an achievement of Ukrainian and European science in the conditions of modern reform of higher education is substantiated. An important role of the Technical Academy and the Higher Technical School in Lviv in the XIX – the beginning of the XX century has been stressed.

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