: 13-18
Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article analyzes peculiarities of the Ukrainian sacral architectural heritage, its role and importance for1 preservation of national and cultural identity and the growth of international attractiveness. Attention is focused on the sacral monuments of Drohobych as an integral part of the national and world culture. The sacral legacy of Ukraine is characterized by a diversity of forms and is considered as one of the most distinctive in European and world culture. Its study helps to imagine the spiritual and material cultural space in which the Ukrainian people were formed and its creative potential was enhanced, which made it possible to create original cult monuments, in which national features of the development of sacral culture are expressed the most. The well-known center of the sacral architectural heritage of the Western Ukrainian region is Drohobych. The traditional sacral architecture of the city is included in the list of historic settlements of Ukraine, and the issue of observance of the protection of monuments legislation in order to popularize its historical and cultural heritage, is particularly relevant. The sacral heritage of Drohobych is original, versatile, implemented in various stylistic forms, based on national traditions, European tendencies and the local concept of sacral architecture. An important period of its development is the ХV–ХVІІІ centuries, during which the specificity of sacral construction in the multicultural, polyethnic urban environment was most fully revealed. In modern conditions, the important task of the state, local authorities, protection of antiquities and museum institutions is to develop new and highly effective measures for the study, conservation, popularization, museification and effective use of the monuments of the Drohobych’s sacral heritage. That is an important mean of tourist and excursion attraction of Ukraine and compelling evidence of high spirituality of the Ukrainian people, civilization progress in the development of national culture, its movement towards integration into the European and world cultural space.

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