Instructions for authors

Rules for authors

1. The author is responsible for the accuracy of citations, references, and submits only original articles that have never been published or sent to other journals.

2. It is best if the submitted article is without co-authors. In the case of co-authors, the editor-in-chief and the editorial board shall only consider articles with one co-author.

3. Authors should avoid any conflicts of interest that might affect the results of their research. All sources of author support or research should be removed from the article submitted.

4. The author and co-author shall fill out the authorship form indicating their contribution to the writing of the article. The form can be downloaded from this site.

Article size is up to 20,000 characters with spaces

1. Format of edition A4 (210x297 mm).

• indentation: left - 1.8 cm, right - 2.5 cm, top - 2 cm, bottom - 2.7 cm; to the footer - 1.25 cm, to the bottom - 1.6 cm.

• lower column, centered on page.

2. Main text: Times New Roman font, font size 11. The first line indentation is 1 cm. The line spacing is 1.1. Format exception.

3. Rubrication.

In the first line on the right indicate  Universal Decimal Classification;

In each following line:

- article title - Times, 14, capital letters, p / w, p / c;

the authors indicate the comma and the space (p / w), the exception - the center. Authors' initials are separated by a space;

- the name of the organization in which the author works, the exception - the center;

below is the ORCID number and e-mail. The ORCID number is assigned by the author (

- sign "©", name and surname of the author and co-authors (italics), exception - to the left;

- annotations in Ukrainian (p / w, left indentation - 1 cm, first line indentation - 1 cm);

keywords (no more than 8 words) (n / a, left margin is 1 cm, first line space is 1 cm);

The same should be repeated in English:

article title - Times, 14, capital letters, p / w, p / c;

the authors indicate the comma and the space (p / w), the exception - the center. Authors' initials are separated by a space;

- the name of the organization in which the author works, the exception - the center;

below is the ORCID number and e-mail. The ORCID number is assigned by the author (

- sign "©", name and surname of the author and co-authors (italics), exception - to the left;

- annotations in English (p / w, left indentation - 1 cm, first line indentation - 1 cm);

- keywords (no more than 8 words) (n / a, left margin - 1 cm, first line space - 1 cm);

The UDC (Universal Decimal Classifier) ​​index is determined by the author.

Article Title. It is advisable not to use complicated pseudoscientific terminology in the title. Uppercase letters, single paragraph without first line indentation with center alignment. Served in Ukrainian and English.

The abstract is submitted in Ukrainian and English. Construction: characterization of the main theme, problems, goals, generalized results. Volume of abstract in Ukrainian up to 400 - 500 printed characters. Annotations in English of up to 2500 printed characters.

The mandatory requirement for articles is an adequate level of annotation translation.

Keywords are words from the text of the material that, in terms of information retrieval, carry a meaningful load. Keywords are given in the nominative case, the total number of keywords - not less than three and not more than seven, is submitted in Ukrainian and English.

The main part of the article should contain the following structural elements: statement of the problem; analysis of studies; purpose of the article; presenting main material; conclusions. All parts of the article should be highlighted.

References should be made by specifying the author's first name and year of parenthesis, separating the page number by a colon [Коновалець, 2002: 45].

Foreign authors are also called upon [Nora, 1989: 7-25].

If you cite a collection of articles, you can specify either the name of the editor (or compiler) of the collection, or one or two words from the name of the collection, instead of the author's name. Where reference is made to material not known to the author or compiler (newspaper note, etc.), one or two words from the beginning of the title of the article are also indicated [Листи й телеграми, 2009: 33].

References to articles or books written jointly by two authors indicate both authors [Волосник, Онацкий, 2016: 36].

When referring to articles or books written jointly by three or more authors, the name of the first author should be given and "et al." Should be written [Іванов та ін., 2009]; for foreign publications - "et al." [Smith et al., 2001].

Archival sources in the text are fully disclosed: [ЦДІА, м.Львів. Ф. 12. Оп. 31. Спр. 1154. Арк. 89].

List of sources and literature used - to design strictly according to APA Style (samples for this format see here:


Schmidt, F. L., & Oh, I.-S. (2016). The crisis of confidence in research findings in psychology: Is lack of replication the real problem?

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