For Reviewers

Instructions for Peer-Reviewers

1. The main task of peer-reviewer is the evaluation of submitted articles. He or she makes the decision to publish or not the submitted articles.  Peer-reviewer via Editor-in-Chief may give the author the advice how to improve the submitted articles.

2. Peer-reviewer communicates directly with the Editor-in-Chief or the Executive Secretaries.

3. Peer-reviewer must be specialist of the high level in the domain which is presented in the submitted articles.

4. Each submitted article is considered as confidential material and should be sent only to the chosen reviewers by Editor-in-Chief or Executive Secretaries after consultations with Editor-in-Chief.

5. Peer-reviewer must be objective, inform the Editor or the Executive Secretaries about any similarities of the submitted articles with the articles which he or she knows.

6. Acceptance and rejection of submitted articles must be grounded on the peer reviewer's arguments which should be clear and avoid any personal criticism. 

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