Mapping of interconnected productions of the agro-industrial complex administrative district

Kamyanets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University

The Department of Geography of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR has developed theoretical and methodological foundations for mapping agro-industrial complexes (AIC) of various territorial hierarchical ranks [3]. Particular attention is paid to the investigation of the administrative complex of the administrative district. On the example of one of the administrative districts of the Forest-Steppe zone of the Ukrainian SSR, a series of basic and additional large-scale maps have been compiled that contain data on the functioning of specialized subsystems of the modeled agroindustrial complex in the context of plant-growing industrial and livestock-industrial activities. The methodology for compiling this series of maps was considered earlier [1].

  1. Zolovskij A. P., Kozachenko T. I., Rybak I. P. Sistemnoe kartografirovanie territorial'noj organizacii agropromіshlennogo kompleksa administrativnogo rajona // Jekon. geogrfija. 1989. Vyp 41.
  2. Ivanov K. I. Territorial'nye sistemy obshhestvennogo proizvodstva : Geograficheskie aspekty agrarno-promyshlennogo kompleksirovanija. M., 1975.
  3. Kozachenko T. I. Kartograficheskoe obespechenie issledovanija agropromyshlennyh kompleksov. K. 1984.
  4. Brian Gerard, Cabrol Jean-Luc. L'abaill dans Je geosystem : assai de cartographie de ressourcess // Rev. Geogr. Pyrenees et S. - OU. 1986. V.57. N 3.