Digital relief modeling using software Surfer package and ArcGIS geoinformation system

Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Engineering geodesy department of Lviv Polytechnic National University

The represented development is devoted to researches of accuracy of created models of a relief with use the system of software for geographic data ArcGIS and software programs Surfer. The research is executed for a complex type of a relief with an estimation of restored models of и relief by two criteria: on divergences between modeling and real values of elevations and the accordance between structural dements of и relief. As mathematical models for construction DEM are considered the collocation model and its version: constrained collocation, with basic functions and method Kriging, and also analytical model on base triangulation. The tables of an estimation of accuracy of various mathematical functions and initial duta are submitted. The results of visualization DEM are given.

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