Investigation of the influence of changes in REM parameters on the magnitude and nature of geometric distortions of REM images obtained with the HITACHI S-800 REM

Lviv Polytechnic National University

In the article the results of numerous researches of values and nature of geometrical distortions of the SEM­images obtained on SEM "Hitachi" S-800 when changes of parameters of SEM-surveying are presented: increases (scale) from 500x up to 50000х, angles of tilt of the goniometric table from 0° up to 10 and changes of its positioning lengthwise axis Z from Z - 14.0 mm up to Z = 16.0 mm with an interval of 0.5 mm. И is established, that on edges of SEM-images they can reach 1.5-2.0 mm, and on its central part in radius of 10 mm - 0.1-0.2 mm that are rather minute. The distortions have systematic character (approximately 90 % of its component), they are symmetric concerning image axes and remain practically invariable when considerable changes of parameters of SEM-surveying that allows to approximate them easily by a polynomial of a general view of the 3-rd degree.

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