Method of research of displacements of Dnister riverbed

: pp. 102 - 109
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

In this paper we study the technique of channel displacement of the Dniester River. Monitoring of the rivers was done for the territory within the villages Tershev and Busovisko, and covers a 30-year period – from 1979 to 2010. The main causes of river bed displacement. We propose a conceptual model of the study of channel displacement, which is based on usage data from space imaging, aerial photography, laser scanning, cartographic materials, including special maps – the soil and geologic maps of quaternary sediments and, as well as data engineering and surveying.. Analysis of the displacement indicates significant changes in the configuration of the channel. To study used Geographic Information System ArcGІS 9.3.


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