Research setting correlation ionosphere with solar and magnetic activity

: pp. 21 - 28
Received: March 20, 2014
Accepted: March 24, 2014
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Ionosphere is an environment that is influenced by factors heliogeophysical, so when monitoring it is necessary to consider and take into account the influence of solar and geomagnetic activity. Parameters of the ionosphere can be
determined by various methods, including code and phase GNSS observations. Therefore, to establish links between certain parameters of the ionosphere and indices solar and magnetic activity is of considerable interest in solarterrestrial relations and predicting “space weather”. Based on the analysis of publications in which issues relating to this problem are partially covered, some numerical characteristics of relationships between solar cycle length and quantity of magnetic fields and data from ionozond at different magnetic activity are presented. In the paper it is calculated numerical characteristics of correlations between the parameters of the ionosphere determined according to the code and phase measurements on permanent GNSS stations SULP, data from vertical ionozond and the data of solar and magnetic activity. Based on the obtained data: solar activity (from May to August 2013), magnetic activity (from May to August 2013), “Index 95” (June, October 2013), the total electron content TEC (May to September 2013 ) and vertical ionozond (September 2013) the results of practical implementation of the algorithm for determining ionospheric electron distribution according to the code and phase GNSS measurements are shown and compared with data from vertical ionozond and solar and magnetic activity. The correlation matrix and graphics of point functional dependencies are shown. It was experimentally proved the significant coefficient of correlation between the total electron content (TEC) and vertical ionozond, according to “Index 95” and magnetic activity and insignificant correlation dependence between the data and the solar magnetic activity and “Index 95”. The obtained results of correlations suggest the possibility in the researches “space weather” according to the network GNSS stations measured values of TEC and “Index 95”.

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