Research geometric distortion digital SEM-images obtained on SEM JSM-7100F (JEOL, Japan) and the accuracy of their approximation

: pp. 112-120
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Purpose. Digital-SEM image, due to various physical factors of scanning electron microscope inherent significant geometric distortion. The aim of this study is to establish and Effective consideration to improve the accuracy to obtain quantitative spatial parameters mikrosurface objects are investigated using SEM. This problem is extremely important, especially nowadays when needed control of technological processes for the production of micron and submicron levels, particularly in engineering, microelectronics and many others. This in turn enables the necessary technological properties of various objects, and thus improve their reliability and efficiency. Methodology. To install and study of digital SEM images obtained on SEM JSM-7100F was used special test facility (test holographic grating) with a resolution r = 1425 lin/mm. Digital SEM images were received increases ranging from 2000h to 40000h. Working (measurement) Digital-SEM images was carried out using special routines “Test-Measuring” and “Polycalc” software complex “Dimicros”. Results. The obtained linear (large-scale) and nonlinear components of geometric distortion digital SEM images, in particular, the real value increases SEM images of test objects showed their rejection of established values on a scale SEM are: along the x-axis image – from approximately -1 % (in Mх from 2000h to 5000h) and +2,5–4 % (in Mх from 7500h to 40000h) and along the axis of the picture – from 0–+1 % (in Mх from 2000h to 5000h) and +3–4 % (in Mх from 7500h to 40000h). Mх accuracy is approximately ± 0,5 %. Thus linear (large-scale) distortion of SEM images obtained on SEM JSM-7100F is relatively insignificant. However, precision studies of quantitative parameters mikrosurface solids they should be taken into account. Nonlinear distortion at the edges of reach SEM images at high magnification to ± 2,5 mm (25 pixels) in image size 12090 mm. Polynomial approximation (consideration) allows them to reduce distortion from 3 to 10 times. Scientific novelty. Metric study of digital images obtained at the present SEM JSM-7100F enforced for the first time. The method of research used by the author and software have shown their effectiveness and feasibility. The practical significance. Application methods for determining and taking into account the geometric distortion digital SEM images mikrosurface solids can significantly improve the accuracy of their spatial obtain quantitative parameters, which in turn improves the reliability and effectiveness of the products made from them.

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