The research of short-periodic components changes of zenith throposphere delay

Department of Higher Geodesy and Astronomy of Lviv Polytechnic National University
Department of Higher Geodesy and Astronomy Lviv Polytechnic National University
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

The aim of this work is the research of the magnitude of the components change of the zenith tropospheric delay for the territory of Ukraine according to several-day terrestrial meteorological measurements, as well as the construction and study of the field of their change.  Method. The accuracy of the determination of the tropospheric delay and its components depends on the amount of meteorological data that can be used for its caclulation. It would be more better if, at the time of the GNSS measurements, the atmospheric sensing data were obtained near the observation point, otherwise it is necessary to simulate the meteorological situation at the time of the measurements using the data available for that purpose. The fulfilled researches evaluated the meteorological situation as a whole for the territory of Ukraine. The tropospheric delay was calculated using the well-known Saastamoenen formula. The range of change of tropospheric delay for the territory of Ukraine was subsequently created. Results. The results of the research make it possible to analyze the dependence of the change in the magnitude of the components of the tropospheric delay on the change in meteorological values in the territory of the country. The graphs of changes in tropospheric delay components during three days with the discreteness of 6 hours at four points with different climatic conditions were obtained and analyzed in the work. It has been established that despite the significant difference in the values ​​of the components, the amplitudes of their change are close to each other: the differences of these amplitudes are 6 mm for the dry component and 2 mm for the wet component. The dynamics of change of dry (hydrostatic) and wet (non-hydrostatic) components during two days have been shown in the work. It has been noted that their dynamics are due to the change of atmospheric pressure for the dry component and the change of water vapour pressure in the troposphere for the wet component. Scientific novelty and practical significance lie in the revealed stability of the amplitude of change of components at the points located in different climatic and weather conditions. Also, it has been confirmed that the dynamics of change in the dry component is due to changes in atmospheric pressure, and wet - due to changes in partial pressure. The performed researches can be used to create regional models of the atmosphere and further studies of the field of change of the zenith tropospheric delay, as they relate to the change of the delay in space and time.

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