Determination of parameters of vibro-impact machines taking into account their main characteristics

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Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Aim. The purpose is to form a generalized performance indicator and analysis of resonant vibration machines, taking into account their main energy, dynamic and technological characteristics. Method. Three basic parameters the ratio of the maximum acceleration of the working mass to the power consumption, the coefficient of asymmetry of acceleration and the width of the resonance zone were used to evaluate the efficiency of vibration systems. These indicators are reduced to a dimensionless form in the next step. Next, a generalized metric is formed that looks like the difference in the presented metrics and is a function of the goal of the optimization problem. The obtained indicator is presented in functional form, it takes into account the coefficients of rigidity for the synthesis of harmonic and vibro-impact resonance systems. Optimization and synthesis is carried out on the basis of a system of nonlinear differential equations, which describes the dynamic processes in a vibration system, taking into account the equation of state of the electromagnetic drive. Results. The functional dependence of the quality criterion was obtained using independent coefficients of elastic synthesis, which is determined by the extreme characteristic. The dependencies describing the three states of the vibration systems were obtained. Classical vibration systems are found to be inferior in performance to traditional harmonic systems by this criterion. The main parameters describing new vibration systems that significantly outweigh the existing methods of their calculations have been obtained. The dependencies obtained allow us to evaluate the influence of synthesis parameters on the efficiency of operation taking into account the relevant technological and dynamic requirements. Scientific novelty. Performance criterion for different classes of resonant vibration systems, taking into account their determining energy, technological and dynamic characteristics, was obtained for the first time. The formation of vibration shock systems according to the classical principle is irrational, since such systems are inferior to traditional harmonic systems confirmed. The reason for such inefficiency is found that it is necessary to correct two coefficients of rigidity for realization of the given resonant modes of operation. Practical significance. The considered problem makes it possible to implement at the design level vibration systems with laid technological and dynamic characteristics. Energy characteristics are formed if their maximum values are reached at the same time. The method allows implementing of both traditional vibration and harmonic systems and new ones, which are significantly as more energy efficient. The values of the stiffness coefficients, the kinematic and dynamic parameters, are calculated according to the results of the synthesis.

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