Analysis of oscillations of the vibrating bottom during outflow of finely dispered bulky materials from bunkers

: 59-68
Department of Robotics and Integrated Technologies of Mechanical Engineering, Lviv Polytechnic National University
Department of Robotics and Integrated Technologies of Mechanical Engineering, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Aim. Investigation of the influence of geometrical parameters of the discharge hole of the bunker and properties of finely dispered bulky material on the vibration actions of the bottom in order to ensure continuous flow of the product. Method. A Lorentz model was developed in order to study the process of outflow of finely dispered bulky product from the bunker discharge hole. The model allows predicting the movement of the material under the vibration actions. As a result of the simulation, the vibration actions of the bottom of the bunker are defined and their dependence on the properties of finely dispered bulky material and geometric parameters of the discharge hole are determined. Results. A mathematical model of the flow of finely dispered bulky material from the bunker conical hole under the vibration actions has been developed. It is established that the vibration actions and the parameters of the bunker hole depend on the properties of the finely dispered bulky material. Scientific novelty. A mathematical model of the flow of finely dispered bulky material from the bunker under the vibration actions has been developed. It is established that the vibration actions of the bottom depend on the geometry of the discharge hole and the properties of the bulky material. Practical value. The obtained results testify to the positive effect of vibration on finely dispered bulky material, they allow choosing the correct vibration actions of the bottom, which depend on the parameters of the discharge hole and the properties of the material, which can ensure continuous flow of finely dispered bulky material from the bunker.

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