Investigation of hydraulic resistance of a straight cyclon with a coaxial inset

: 69-75
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Goal. The problem in research work can be solved by using of experimental research of dependence of hydraulic resistance of a cyclone on expenses of a gas stream and geometrical parameters of the device. Actuality of the work is to optimize the design of a direct-flowing cyclone with a coaxial inset according to the hydraulic characteristics of the device. Method is that the determination of the hydraulic resistance of a direct-flowing cyclone with a coaxial inset, the design of which is presented in [4] was performed using experimental studies, the method of which is given in [5]. Hydraulic resistance during experimental studies was determined by the difference between the total pressure at the inlet and outlet of the apparatus. Results. The article optimizes the design of a direct-flow cyclone with a coaxial inset and determines its coefficient of hydraulic resistance. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the coefficient of hydraulic resistance of a direct-flowing cyclone with a coaxial inset was determined. Practical significance. The use of a direct-flow cyclone with a coaxial inset from an energy point of view is more appropriate than counter-current cyclones and some designs of direct-flow cyclones.


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