Thermostressed condition and load-carrying capacity of non-ferromagnetic conductive plates under the action of electromagnetic pulses

: pp. 69-78
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The paper describes a mathematical model of elastic deformation of non-ferromagnetic conductive bodies under the action of pulsed electromagnetic fields (EMF), which takes into account the adiabatic character of processes of heating and deformation of conductive bodies by pulsed electromagnetic fields. Within this model, the dynamic problem of thermo-mechanics has been formulated for a non-ferromagnetic conductive planar layer under the action of pulsed electromagnetic fields. A technique of approximate solution to the formulated problem, that applies a cubic polynomial approximation of all key functions’ distributions with respect to a thickness coordinate, has been proposed. The solution to the problem under consideration in case of homogeneous electromagnetic pulse has been found and discussed. The thermo-mechanical behavior and load-carrying capacity of non-ferromagnetic conductive plates under the action of electromagnetic pulses (EMP) has been investigated.

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