Analytical method of determining the electromagnetic field of standard current pulses flowing near to a conductive object

: pp. 49-56
Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine

The mathematical model based on the developed theory of the analytical solving the quasi-stationary tasks of pulse current flowing near to a conductive object with flat surface is introduced. The applied mathematical model includes an approximate solution with the use of asymptotic expansion for computing the intensity of a magnetic and electrical field in the case of transient electro-magnetic processes. It is noted that the calculations by an approximation method are limited to a certain time period from the beginning of a pulse, but, as usual, just within this time period the field changes most rapidly and accesses maximum values. The electrical field is considered at the presence of the standard current pulses such as exponentially decaying pulse, pulse represented by the difference between two decaying exponents, exponentially decaying oscillating pulse. For them the main peculiarities of applying the approximate analytical method of field calculations have been analyzed. Integral indicators for taking into account limitations by frequency and time, depending on the pulse parameters, have been found. Time dependencies have been obtained with the use of special functions and their representation as series.

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