Isostasy of Ukrainian Carpathian

: pp. 21-28
Received: June 07, 2013
Lviv Polytechnic National University; Carpathian branch of S. I. Subbotin name Institute of geophysics of NAS of Ukraine
Carpathian Branch of Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine

Isostatic compensation of the Earth crust is discussed. Using the ETOPO1 digital elevation model and gravity data a Moho model and isostatic anomalies field was constructed for the area of Ukrainian Carpathians, bounded by: φ=47.30÷50,300 N, λ=22÷270 E. Technique for isostatic anomalies calculation is described. Relation between the isostatic anomalies and main tectonics units of region is defined.

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