Sounding of the Earth crust of the North-Western part of the Russian platform by the intrinsic microseisms

: pp. 102-109
Received: April 02, 2013
Institute of Ecological Problems of the North, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Institute of Ecological Problems of the North

Purpose. To investigate the structure of the upper crust of the Onega Peninsula by microseismic sensing. Methods. The technique involves a comprehensive analysis of detailed geological structures areas Onega Peninsula based on diagrams of the intensity distribution along the profile microseisms and depth, reflecting the relative velosity change properties of the medium obtained in the sample measurement acording the microseismic sounding method (MSM). Results. The results of sounding structure of the crust background micro-seismic two profiles within the Onega Peninsula. In the diagrams the relative intensity distribution within the profile microseisms-Känd Vorzogory revealed block structure cut alternation it fairly narrow vertical stripes, blocks, characterized by positive and negative values of the intensity microseisms, as well as a fairly high contrast between the blocks and within them. This is true for Mudyugskomu and Andozerskomu blocks Onega-raising Vazhsky depths of 3-5 km. Above they are limited to some subhorizontal "layer" of negative values of the relative intensity microseisms, gently immersed in a northerly direction, increasing in thickness to about 2-3 km. The variability of the intensity microseisms in the surface layer is different from that of the underlying layers. Blocks and stage Vazhsky Onega-raising can be exclusively at the surface and not have deep roots. The border between the Onega-raising and Onega Vazhsky graben more specific. According to cut the southern side of the graben Onega has not only the nature of the effluent, but rather gently inclined towards the graben and because of this can be traced to a depth of 7-8 km. The vertical arrangement of many of the isolated areas does not mean vertically the objects themselves, but can be explained by the resolution of the method, due to the peculiarities of manifestation of speed irregularities in the amplitude-frequency characteristic of Rayleigh waves. It may be noted a good correlation with the selected zones of anomalous geophysical data maps of the magnetic field. According to the diagram of relative intensity distribution along the profile Palovo- Samoded note a distinct boundary between Arkhangelsk and Onega projection graben, with distinct confinement of the crystalline basement of the projection of the Archangel to the surface and its penetration within the graben Onega, agree well with the geophysical data. It may be noted that the crystalline basement of the projection of the Archangel in the area is characterized by the introduction of its lifting lens at lower speeds, which may be due to the presence of heterogeneity (presumably fault) in the crystalline basement in the area. Originality. We get more detailed compared with the available geological and geophysical data on the structure information of the geological environment: Abuse graben within the Onega and the Onega-Vazhsky protrusion profile Känd Vorzogory and joint-Onega-Kandalaksha rift with the Arkhangelsk horst on the profile Samoded – Palovo. Practical significance. The convergence within the resolution of MSM findings with the known geological and geophysical data, which implies that more detailed information on the identified inhomogeneities within the Onega peninsula will be useful for seismological research, and in the search for minerals, especially diamonds, which is rich in the region.

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