Regularities of the spatial distribution of capacitor properties of rock-collectors in sarmatian deposits of neogene of Bilche-Volitskoy zone of Precarpatian foredeep

: pp. 43-49
Lviv Integrated Research Center of UkrNIIgazu
Lviv branch of UkrGGRI, Lviv Integrated Research Center of UkrNIIgazu
Lviv Integrated Research Center of UkrNIIgazu
Lviv Integrated Research Center of UkrNIIgazu

The purpose. The aim of the research is the prediction of the reservoir properties (porosity, effective thicknesses) for communication flow rate of gas production and further forecasting tributaries in new gas promising areas in the North-Western part of Bilche-Velickou zone of Precarpathian foredeep. The methodology of the research was to build a schematic maps of change in area of porosity and effective thicknesses. Results. A schematic maps of the change of porosity and effective thicknesses were created, and it was established that the dependences of the flow rate of the gas from their works are petrophisic basis for forecasting production of gas at newly drilled wells in the case of qualitative disclosure of reservoir rocks in the bottom hole zone. For individual productive horizonts (TD-13, BD-9, BD-15), a schematic maps of averaged values of porosity and effective thicknesses in the Sarmatian deposits of Bilche-Volitskoi zone were created, which may find application in the prediction of the reservoir properties and possible hydrocarbon flows on new promising areas. Scientific novelty. The methodical approach will improve the reliability of prediction of the reservoir properties in various geological conditions of their formation on new promising areas. For horizonts BD-1-BD-12 Vyshnianske and Vizhomlyanske gas fields there were built the averaged dependences of the flow rate of gas from capacitive properties (works porosity on the effective thickness for depression 1/3 of reservoir pressure). It allows compatible with the data shown in the schematic maps to predict potential flows of gas from the reservoir rocks of the Sarmatian sediment drilled wells at promising new areas and fields. Interpolation of the obtained dependence of the flow rate of gas from production of open porosity on the effective thickness allows to get maximum value of the last value is 0.22, where the gas supply is absent. This index should be considered as conforming and divide by it in the context of the breed on the reservoir rocks and rock-non-reserves. Practical significance consists in increasing the efficiency of exploration of hydrocarbon raw materials, particularly in the Sarmatian deposits of Neogene Bilche-Volitskos zone.

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