Space regularities of the East-European platform’s crustal basement and their geodynamic aspects

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine

The composition of the "Structural-formation map of the East-European platform's crustal basement" in the scale 1:25(10000 (chief red. L.Galetsky. V.Terentiev) allowed to discover some new regularities in the space position of the Precambrian geological complexes and in the basement structure as a whole. The granulitic complexes, which occupy the lowest stratigraphic position, were previously spread in the most part of the platform's territory and formed granulitic socle of the basement. All other complexes form the depressions and belts, overlaying the socle and strictly comiected with the vital activity of two regional tectonic fault systems - Volynsko-Dvinskaya (NE) and Volzsko- Baltiyskaya(NW). The spreading of these structures (depressions and belts) has symmetrical character in the whole platform's area; the planes of the symmetry correspond to two transregional lineaments with the meridional and latitudal direction. These space regularities show, that the development of the whole platform's basement depended on the same structural plan during all tectonic stages. The comparison of this structural plan with the results of the tectonic modeling, known from literary data, allow to suppose, that the main platform's structural features in the Precambrian depended on the West direction stress from the side, where there are Ural mountains now

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