Analysis of geothermal parameters at the oil and gas fields in Dnieper-Donets basin

: pp. 347 - 349
Received: August 01, 2013
Subbotin Institute of geophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

The current work performs the comparison of distribution of geothermal gradient depending on the display of hydrogeological inversion and location of hydrocarbon deposits. On the example of Yarmolintsivske and Machuske fields is shown that the increase of the gradient takes place at the intersection of the roof of the deposit. The average geothermal gradient over deposit is set to 19-20 °C/km in both cases. With the passage of deposit it increases to 30°C/km, where the hydrogeological inversion is not registered (Yarmolintsivske gas condensate field) and 40 - 70 °C / km at the deposit where hydrogeological inversion is present (Machuske gas field).

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