Residual stresses from gravitational stress: fpreliminary estimations of their rates based on geological data

: pp. 301 - 304
Received: August 01, 2013
Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Mining Institute of the Kolsky Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The method of the research relates to the field tectonophysics. The study of tectonic stress has always been the most important task of tectonic research. You can say that Tectonophysics began to flourish after the mass measurement of stress in-situ methods in mining and creation of stress reconstruction algorithm in natural geological data sets of slip faults. Data Mining showed a large predominance of horizontal compression environments in the areas of uplift and shields, and the prevalence of certain environments the horizontal extension in the crust basins and plates. Installed anomalously high values of stress horizontal compression in the uppermost crust is usually associated with the manifestation of the mechanisms of plate tectonics, considering the possibility of transferring lateral forces from the borders of the plates over long distances. In the middle of the last century it was made B. Voight ideas about a possible connection abnormal stress horizontal compression residual stress of rocks previously visited on a relatively large depths (5-10 km). However, they have been challenged D.L. Turcotte, since it was assumed that the vertical upward movement is accompanied by a horizontal extension of the layers due to the sphericity of the earth. This thesis was actually incorrect, as the hypothesis V.A. Magnitskii the possibility of forming folds in the areas of the troughs of the sphericity of the earth. According to the well-known observation Karpinski close to mountain actively developing there is always actively formed depression. Therefore, the expansion of the circular arc in the ascending movement as it approaches the surface compensated by a reduction in the related field subsidence.The research results are associated with the ability to explain the genesis of abnormally high horizontal compression stresses in the surface layers of the crust were conducted tectonophysical research for the Kola Peninsula, based on the evaluation of the amplitudes of denudation demolition in pools of the northern seas. It is shown that the vertical movement of rock, are now on the surface can be about 11 km in 250 MA. Evaluation of residual stresses, which should occur in the rocks, have been in the crust at depths of 5 kilometers (150 MA) gives values close to those obtained for Kovdora and KHibin methods and in-situ. Currently, the results of tectonic studies using including reconstruction techniques according to the stress of discontinuous shifts showed that platforms, boards and intraplate mountain-folded orogens a great contribution to the formation of tectonic stresses are making the residual stress of the gravitational stress. The novelty of the research is to assess the practical implementation of the method of residual stresses for a particular region - the Kola Peninsula. The practical significance of the results refers primarily to the mining, because It allows us to offer activities that prevent dangerous manifestations of rock pressure.

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