Seismotectonic terms and proposed scheme seismological monitoring location area Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant

: pp. 323 - 325
Received: July 19, 2013
Subbotin Institute of geophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Subbotin Institute of geophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Purpose. The purpose of research is the need to study in accordance with the IAEA recommendations of local seismicity, to highlight local seismically active structures; obtaining records of local and distant earthquakes, industrial explosions and special explosion, microseisms. Methods. Methods of choosing the best option placement of points seismological vantages (PSV) in the area of accommodation Zaporozhe NPP based on identifying tectonically active faults that could be identified as areas of occurrence of earthquake foci (ONE), or the potential zones of ONE. Results. Preliminary comprehensive analysis geologo-and geophysical maps and materials allowed highlight in a radius of 150 km from the site Zaporozhe NPP a seismically active zone  ONE and 4 ONE potentsials area. Krivorog-Kremenchug area identified by ONE to Krivorog-Kremenchug fault seismotectonic 1 rank. The fault is well expressed in the geophysical fields, spaceaerophotographys  and is one of the largest in extent in the Ukrainian Shield. Provided as an active in the neogene-quaternary time localization of linear forms of relief. In the Krivorog-Kremenchug suture zone registered about 10 seismic events that allows you to select it as a seismically active zone. Devladovskaya potential area identified with ONE Devladovske fault zone. Evident: in the surface of the "M" in the form of breaking deep foundations. In the northern part of the data neotektonic Devladovskoy fault zone is allocated in the form of faults, active in the neogene-quaternary time. Chertomlynskaya potential area of  ONE. The area in respect of seismotectonic connected the central part Chertomlynskoy fault zone. Fragments coincides with discontinuous violation, active in the neogene-quaternary time controlling lokalization linear forms of relief. Orekhovo-Pavlograd potential zone ONE seismotectonic respect associated with the central fragment of the regional, mantining Orekhovo-Pavlograd fault. According to the neotectonics stands out as active in the neogene-quaternary fracture, faulting controlling the localization of linear forms of relief. Konkskaya potential zone ONE identified with a fragment Konkskoy pushinging fault zone. According to the neotectonics released on the map as faults, active in the neogene-quaternary time. Scientific novelty. For the first time, for the deployment area Zaporozhe NPP proposed a scheme of seismological monitoring to study local seismicity based on current recommendations of the IAEA and the modern seismological and seismotectonic methods for seismic danger assessment of NPPs. The practical significance. Thus, on the basis of seismotectonic analysis was created proposed scheme of seismic monitoring deployment area Zaporozhe NPP. The research results will be used in the final estimation of seismic danger of ground of Zaporozhe NPP.

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