Identification and analysis of orographic lineaments of the upland Opillya based on 3d-terrain models

: pp. 83-94
Received: December 16, 2014
Ivan Franko Lviv National University

The work purpose – on the basis of 3d-model of a relief in GIS to sort out orographic lineaments of the upland Opillya (Ukraine). A method. For construction 3d-models of a relief (scale 1:200 000) on terrain Opillya the data of American mission SRTM has been used. For construction of 3d-models (scale 1:50 000) have executed numbering of horizontals of a topographic map. Results. Have revealed well and poorly expressed in a relief lineaments. They are expressed by direct fields of valleys of the rivers, erosion forms, abrupt pieces of slopes, edge the topmost surfaces, linearly regulated fastigiums of hills. Excreted lineaments behind clearness of expression in a relief and extent we have divided into 3 grades. Set the main directions of lineaments of different ranks. For  lineaments 1 rank characteristic north-south (355º) and diagonal (300&70°) orientation, 2 rank – north-south (355º) and sublatitudinal (285º), 3 rank – sublatitudinal direction (280- 290º). So that their orientation can be represented in rose diagrams. For upland areas different ranks Opillya lineaments agreed with the general tectonic fracture territory. Also studied the relationship between the density of lineaments with neotectonic activity in the region. In the peripheral areas of active uplift there are big stresses in the Earth’s crust due to their location on the block boundaries with different tectonic activity and pressure them one to one. In our example – active block Opillya and less active blocks Ternopil and Malopolesskij, block Opillya and more active block Pridnestrovie. These zones are characterized by considerable stress increased fracture rocks, which is reflected on the surface of a thick density orolineaments. In the central part of the tectonic blocks the voltage falls due to more uniform distribution of pressure within the structural blocks. Such areas indicates a slight fracture and low density of lineaments. The high density of lineaments also linked with zones of large faults action and moderate neotectonic activity. Originality. For the first time for upland Opillya on the basis 3d-model of relief selected lineaments, their exhibiting in a relief, behind their expressiveness in a relief and slowness divided into ranks are investigated, density indexes lineaments. Practical significance. On a basis lineaments analysis it is possible to predict migrations of hydrocarbons in earth crust and to reveal predicted places of their clump. He is also perspective to search for underground water for drinking, household and medical needs.

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