The role of geodynamics in spatial distribution of traditional and nontraditional deposits of hydrocarbon resources of Dniprovsko-Donetska depression

: pp. 39-52
Received: December 04, 2014
Institute of geology and geochemistry of combustible minerals of National Ukrainian Academy of Sciences

Target. Finding subordination of spatial distribution of hydrocarbon accumulation of different types because of region geodynamics.Methods. The main stages of sedimentary cover forming of Dniprovsko-Donetska depression have been characterized, geodynamic factors led to forming of paleolandscapes have been studied, paleogeomorphic and lithology-facial reconstructions have been done, peculiarities of sedimentation processes, forming of composition and structure of sedimentary complexes and distribution of hydrocarbon accumulation of different types there have been fixed. Results. Corelation in a line tectonics-relief-sedimentation has been shown, geodynamic factors influenced on facial-formation zonation of sedimentary complexes and, conformably, on spatial distribution of hydrocarbon accumulation have been determined. According to the research geotectonic regimes controlled conditions of sedimentations, which influenced on such parameters of oil and gas bearing reservoirs as thickness of sand silt reservoir rocks, cap rocks and reservoir rocks content in the sections of productive complexes. This determined overwhelming type of hydrocarbon accumulation in sedimentary complex – bedded, massive-bedded, lithology screened. Novelty. Geodynamic regime substantially influenced on distribution of formations of sedimentary complexes of the region. It was proved that during Early Carbon Dniprovsko-Donetskyi graben gradually was filled up from northern west to southern east by migrating delta of main paleoriver according to scheme of gradual increase of dry land, inherent both modern and ancient rivers. As the results, in the section of Carbon paralic, continental and marine formations were formed, which are bedding under each other and have diachronic boundaries. For different formations there are different types of deposits of oil and gas. Practical importance. Perspective zones for searching traditional oil and gas deposits of different types, gas deposits of central basin type and accumulation of shale gas have been found for each sedimentary complex. Lithology screened deposits of hydrocarbons are predicted on the territory of all the region on the walls of synclines in deposits of transitional formation and deposits of central basin type and shale gas – conformably in central and southern east preaxial parts of DDD in deposits of marine formation.

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