Some peculiarities of seismisity Transcarpathians

: pp. 139-149
Received: December 18, 2014
Carpathian Branch of Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine
Carpathian Branch of Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine
Department of seismicity of the Carpathian region of the S. I. Subbotin Institute of Geophysics NAS of Ukraine
Carpathian Branch of Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine

Aim. Investigations of Carpathians backdeep seismicity peculiarities and their correlation with fault-block structure of the crust. Methodology. For the analysis of Transcarpathians seismicity were used instrumental seismological observations in Carpathian network during 2001-2012 years. Was done a comparison of earth¬quake epicenters maps with fault-block structure of the region, distribution of earthquakes hypocenter depth had been analyzed. Analysis of seismic faults of Transcarpathian deep was completed. Changes of the average number of earthquakes and their total seismic energy allocated during 2001-2012 years were investigated. The relationship of spatio-temporal seismicity distribution with tectonics in the Carpathians backdeep as analyzed. Results. Seismic spatio-temporal peculiarities in the Transcarpathians during 2001 – 2012 yrs. were investtiga¬ted. It was established that the highest seismic activity in the period under review was characterized for the Transcarpathian and Pannonian faults in areas where there have been notable earthquakes near the city Beregove (23.11.2006, K = 12.1, M = 4.2) and the village Uglya (14.12.2010, K = 9.7 M = 3.2). This seismicity was defined in the Central zone faults too. Among transverse faults in the level of seismic activity are allocated La¬toritskiy, Borzhavskiy, Vynohradiv, Oashsky faults, Tyachyv lineament and their crossing nodes with Carpa¬thians and Pannonian deep faults. In the distribution of earthquake focusses with depth in the Transcarpathian basin revealed three floors (levels) concentrations: thickness of the sedimentary layer and foundation to the depth of the granite layer (2-10 km), upper basalt layer (15-22 km) and layer near the Moho surface (25-35 km). A general conclusion that the seismicity of Transcarpathian foredeep is defined by the Carpathian folded structure of micro-plates ALKAPA and Tisza-Dacia was done. Scientific novelty. Was done the analysis of spatio-tempo¬ral distribution of earthquakes with energy class 7 – 12 on the base of instrumental observations during 2001 – 2012 years and showed their correlation with fault-block structure of the crust. The features of the distribution of earthquake focusses with depth in the Transcarpathian deep fault zone were investigation. It is shown that the Transcarpathian fault appears as a subvertical zone and marked origins of earthquakes at depths from 2-3 km to 30-35 km (Moho surface). Practical meaning. The peculiarities of spatio-temporal distribution of earthquake hypocenter due to their fault-block structure of the crust can be used for the study of seismic active zones, seismic zoning and seismic hazard assessment of individual territories and settlements of Transcarpathians.

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