Efficiency of the natural impulse electromagnetic field of the Earth method for monitoring of landslide processes on the Kyiv reservoir slopes

: pp. 109 – 122
Received: October 12, 2016
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
Ivano-Frankivsk national technical university of oil and gas
Hydrogeology, engineering geology and ecogeology research institute
Institute of applied research “ARATTA”, LLC

Purpose. To demonstrate the natural pulsed electromagnetic field of the Earth (NIEMFE) method efficiency in areal and wells options with monitoring investigations realization and leveling the obtained results with engineering and geological research of landslides, using the area of the right bank of the Kyiv hydroelectric power station reservoir as an example. Methodology. The works were done in 2009, 2011 and 2013 in areal option and in 2013 – in wells option. In the areal option the measurements were done by a series of profiles on the area of up to 105 m2. The measurements in the wells were done with special transducer connected by a cable with an indicator unit. Results. The diagrams on individual profiles and maps of the NIEMFE intensity distribution were built based on the areal measurements results. The areas with abnormal stress-strain state of rock mass were determinated on this maps. These areas were fully agreed with the dynamics of landslide development in this region and with the engineering and geological research data. Probable boundaries of farther landslide advance into the depth of a still unaffected region were forecasted based on the analysis of these diagrams and maps. Diagrams of the NIEMFE intensity distribution with depth were given and the level of stressed surfaces and areas was detected as a result of earth wells sounding. Two levels of stress concentration were detected in the landslide rock mass in the mostly sounded earth wells. Originality. The NIEMFE method efficiency in areal and earth wells options for landslide processes study was demonstrated. The obtained results fully agreed with the engineering and geological researches data and with the dynamics of landslide development in this region. Practical significance. According to the demonstrated result, the NIEMFE method is obviously very effective in the studies of landslide processes at the moment of their starting as well as for their monitoring. Using the NIEMFE method with both areal and earth wells options gives us an opportunity to not only estimate the stress-strain state of the rock mass over the area but also monitor the depth of its distribution. That is why the NIEMFE method should be included as far as possible into the basic complex of geophysical methods of landslide processes studies. Herewith, it is reasonable to provide a preliminary research using the NIEMFE method for the landslide regions with an aim to gеt a general view of the region state.

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