: 88-93
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Highways and Bridges
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Highways and Bridges
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Highways and Bridges

In this article the cationic bitumen emulsions are characterized – as popular binder for various road emulsions. There are considered the specific features of cationic bitumen road emulsions’ formulations. There are presented the functions and specificities of the acids application in cationic bitumen road emulsions. The literary review is presented on potentialities of ortho-phosphoric acids application instead of the traditional hydrochloric acid. Chemical peculiarities of application are presented (as well as advantages and drawbacks of application) – for both the traditional hydrochloric acid and forward-looking ortho-phosphoric acid. As the advantages of ortho-phosphoric acid application for cationic bitumen road emulsions one can mention: simple replacement of acid in soap solution preparation, less corrosive acid, higher pH emulsions, acid is easier to store, fewer fumes, not regulated in some countries, unlike hydrochloric acid.

The potentialities are considered for application of ortho-phosphoric acid, as an effective component of cationic bitumen emulsion for application in various bitumen emulsion technologies, including the technologies for making protective slurry road pavements, among which the most wide-spread application was found by ortho-phosphoric acid in special fast-setting Slurry Surfacing systems, which possess a number of advantages over the same systems based on hydrochloric acid. The main of those advantages are as follows: such application eliminates the need for acid dopes in bitumen, provides a quick-traffic slurry system that works in cooler temperatures and at night, no need to change the usual latex or SBS grades, can use normal break retarders, mix controllable with cement in the field.

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