
Social responsibility of the enterprise: theoretical and methodological problems of formation

The theoretical and methodological aspects of formation of social responsibility of business enterprises are defined as a necessary component of adaptation of the international and domestic experience for ensuring the sustainable development of corporate social responsibility in Ukraine. The interaction and zones of responsibility of public authorities, business structures, trade unions, non-profit organizations and other stakeholders, are analysed.

The interaction of political and administrative components in governance

In the article the political is investigated and administrative component systems of state administration. The spheres of their activity and function are determined, what of them execute in the process of state administration. Found out contradictions which arise up in the process of co-operation of these constituents of state administration.

Economic evaluation of administration systems in the context of management business processes reengineering

The article deals with the peculiarities of an economic evaluation of administrative systems in the context of management business processes reengineering. In particular, methodological approaches to the economic evaluation of such systems are described and characterized. It is concluded that under present conditions most of the projects on construction or improvement of administrative systems belong to the category of investment projects, which, accordingly, are related to investment costs.

Modeling of Innovative Development of Administration of Ooutsourcing Activities of It-Market Enterprises

Outsourcing provides IT companies with a number of benefits and improves the financial and economic performance of their operations. The outsourcing market in Ukraine is developing fast, many types of outsourcing are used in various types of economic activity. Implementation of outsourcing as one of the most popular business models necessitates constant and well-coordinated cooperation with other business entities.