
Synthesis and Characterization of Mixed Al,Cu-Pillared and Copper Doped Al-Pillared Bentonite

In this paper, mixed aluminum and copper pillared clays (Al,Cu-PILCs) with different percentage of Cu and copper impregnated aluminum pillared clay (Cu@Al-PILC) were prepared using a bentonite sample. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, N2 adsorption-desorption and Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy. The results showed bentonite had a main reflection of montmorillonite that characterized by basal spacing, increased by pillaring.

Одержання бутиладипінату у присутності активованих алюмосилікатів

The features of adipic acid esterification with 1-butanol in the presence of aluminosilicates activated with sulfuric acid as a catalyst have been studied. The optimal process conditions have been determined. The influence of a heterogeneous catalyst nature on the esterification proceeding has been defined. Досліджено закономірності естерифікації адипінової кислоти 1-бутанолом у при- сутності активованих сульфатною кислотою алюмосилікатів як каталізаторів. Визначено оптимальні умови процесу. Встановлено вплив природи гетерогенного каталізатора на перебіг естерифікації.