business entities

The role of fundraising in the context of expanding sources of financing for the initiatives of domestic business entities: international experience and peculiarities of implementation in the wartime

During the last eight years, since the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war, some volunteer organizations that were created to help the Ukrainian army were able not only to expand  their activities, but also to transform into charitable organizations with a defined management structure and areas of activity. In order to ensure the effective functioning of such entities, it is necessary to attract constantly financial resources, in particular, for medium- and long-term planning of their work. Fundraising is one of the ways to accumulate resources, particularly financial.

Method analyzing the investment attractiveness

It the role of investment in ensuring economic development. The features of the impact
of investment on the success of the operation entities. The expediency of attracting investment
enterprises to ensure their economic prosperity. The properties of the process of investing in
the company and found that one of the main parameters that determine the success of this
procedure is the level of investment attractiveness of this company. The existing interpretation
of the essence of the concept of “attractiveness” and formed their own understanding of this

Status and development trends of large, medium and small enterprises of real economy in ukraine: a comparative analysis of dynamics

In the article the structures of Ukrainian business entities are analyzed depending on their size (large, middle, small) and peculiarities of their activities are determined. It is shown that large enterprises ( concerns, corporations) are less flexible and dynamic than small and middle enterprises that instantly react to changes of the market situation. However, small and middle enterprises fall behind large enterprises in terms of absolute indexes, for example,  the cost of assets, sales volume, net income.