
Principles of mediation as an alternative method to ensure human and citizen’s rights

The article is devoted to the analysis of principles of mediation as an alternative method to ensure human and citizen’s rights, enshrined in the Law of Ukraine “On mediation”, their relationships and interdependence. The research methodology includes a complex analysis and consolidation of the available scientific and theoretical materials, as well as shaping the corresponding conclusions. In the process of the research conducting, the authors used methods of scientific cognition: terminological, logical and semantic, functional, system and structural, logical and normative.

Information Protection in the System of Competence-based Characteristics Increasing and Evaluation of Auditor’s Knowledge Level

Continuous increasing knowledge of auditors is very important and yet difficult task Implementation of new technologies and automation of the learning process much easier and even cheaper this task. However, the automation of the process increasing the competence of auditor entails a number of threats related to unauthorized access, damage or theft of the information contained in the system.