
The legal adjusting of child’s euthanasia is the legislation of Belgium

The article is devoted the analysis of question of legalization of child’s euthanasia in Belgium. In March, 2014 the special law which allowed application of euthanasia to the children not depending on their age was brought in Belgium into an action. Consequently, it became the first state in the world, which set so wide scopes of permission in this sphere.

Old Isaac is dead. It’s a tragedy. No, it’s not a tragedy

This essay is dedicated to the theme of tragedy, and death. It refers primarily to the analysis of these issues made by Julius Kleiner – Polish literary scholar. Basic conditions allowing us to speak about the tragedy were pointed out by Kleiner. These include: the presence of death, the effect of Fate, evil and the hero endowed with the appropriate signs. Kleiner’s analysis is great, but it does not include all accidents; hence creative works of A. Christie and biography of Polish scholar Władysław Natanson are invoked.