
Theoretical and legal analysis of the relationship between the state and the christian religion in the «philosophy of law» Hegel

Analyzed scientific views of the great German philosopher Hegel’s dialectic relationship
and on relations between the state and the Christian religion. In his work «Philosophy of Law»
German philosopher deeply and comprehensively reveals the role and place of state not only in
the development and functioning of society, but also the Christian religion as an important
institution in the formation of spirituality and high morality in society.

Metodological bases study of the phenomenon of crime on religious grounds as a socio-legal phenomenon

The methodology generally has two meaning: as a system-defined methods and techniques used in a particular field – science, politics, etc., and as the study of this system as a general theory of method, theory in action. Therefore, the methodology – a philosophical theory of system methods of scientific knowledge and the transformation of reality, and the doctrine of the application of the principles of the laws of dialectics and science to the process of learning and practice in the interest of acquiring new knowledge.