distance learning

Системи дистанційного навчання: огляд, аналіз, вибір

Розглянуто основні дидактичні принципи дистанційної та традиційної форм нав- чання. За цими принципами виведено основні функціональні модулі сучасних систем управління дистанційним навчанням. Відповідно до сформульованих модулів здійснено огляд та порівняння щодо наявності та реалізації модулів у системах дистанційного навчання Moodle, Claronline, ATutor, SharePointLMS, Live@EDU, eFront.

Analytical Review of Data Lakes and Perspectives of Application in the Field of Education

An analytical review of the development of Data Lakes and its application in various industries, as part of Big data concept solutions, was conducted. The available standard architectural solutions for the Data Lake organization are considered. Also, specialized areas that require different or additional aspects to solve the tasks, depending on the field of Data Lake use, are taken into account. For the proper organization of Data Lake, various data processing tools are used, including distributed data storage systems, semantic networks, and especially metadata.


The main problems and difficulties that arose in the educational process after the introduction of quarantine regulations during the COVID-19 pandemic are considered. The most common online platforms used by teachers to conduct classes in video conferencing are described. The expediency of improving the methods of distance learning of students is noted.

The Online Platform „eSchool“

The internet is a global network that is used in any industry.

Large corporations have long used the electronic way of doing business. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more government and commercial structures are switching to online and, therefore, using the electronic circulation of documents and other important things for them. Educational institutions were the most unprepared for such changes, and therefore, they faced an acute question of how to transfer everything online.


The global process of transition to the information society, as well as economic, political and social changes that accompany it, accelerate the reform of the Ukrainian education system. First of all, it concerns providing access to education and training for all people who have the necessary skills and knowledge. The effective solution of these problems is facilitated by distance and blended learning, carried out on the basis of modern pedagogical, information and telecommunication technologies.

Remote study as a question of modern university education: philosophical and legal measurement

In the article, we found that the rapid application of distance learning technologies
guarantees higher education institutions: a significant increase in the subjects of the
educational process (organization of training for a wide audience - simultaneous involvement
of a large number of students); a significant reduction in the cost of organizing the educational
process (no rent of premises, savings of utility bills, etc.); a significant increase in the quality of

Using of the opportunities for microsoft onenote for the organization of distance individual and group students’work

The most important precondition for modernization of information and educational space is a modern development of distance learning (DL). The problem of the educational process in distance form is extremely relevant, because the aim of this publication is a synthesis of approaches to distance education and demonstration of the possibilities of using Microsoft OneNote as an effective tool of DL.

In the paper is proposed to identify the main stages of the process of the organization of distance learning, which motivates each student to engage in the learning process:

Intellectual educational systems as the guarantee of innovative university’s development

The aim of the research lies in defining the technological and economical effectiveness of the higher institutions’ activities. The guarantee of university’s innovative development lies in expanding the role of knowledge in a modern society and universities in the economy. From the universities at the level of the traditional tasks of study and research (correspondingly the first and the second functions of universities) there originate the economic and social development (i.e. the universities acquire the third function – become one of the development drivers).

Можливості віртуального навчального середовища та навчальні стилі студентів

Features learning and opportunities on-line learning process in a virtual environment on a platform Moodle. Features educational styles of students in the context of the theory D. Kolb. Analysis of learning styles and stages of the learning cycle of the students at the Technical University. From the educational benefits of student to successful methods of interaction in the learning environment, student-teacher.

Methods and Means of Distance Learning for the Modern Youth Promotion and Involvement to Independent Scientific Research Conducting

New information, telecommunication technologies contribute to the optimization in the management of studies. This paper is devoted to the implementation of innovative approaches to improving the curriculum of higher education. The method of finding and attracting students including girls for scientific and practical work through and their participation at team competitions and joint Interuniversity scientific-practical projects are proposed. This work has considered a problem of distance education and involvement in her adaptive learning system.