
On international environmental security: modern dimensions and principles of implementation

The article describes the current problems of international environmental security in the context of the systematic manifestation of the principles of its implementation, which justifies the need to consolidate the efforts of interstate environmental measures on the basis of sustainable and balanced development. The article examines prerequisites for the formation of the global environmental safety as an integral part of international relations and politics against the background of the long-term ecological crisis.

The impact of cognitive distortions of economic development

The article studies cognitive distortions (illusions) and the possibilities of using cognitive and emotional factors to make decisions by different market actors in conditions of uncertainty. The theoretical foundations of the irrational behavior of economic actors, based on cognitive or social reasons, are highlighted. The authors note that the functioning of the cognitive sphere of a person is often accompanied by certain errors that are scientifically attributed to cognitive distortions in the rational behavioral paradigm that cause distortions in the perception of reality.

Gender prospects in professional activity and gender inequalities in the labor market

The legal support of gender equality in the professional activity of women is analyzed, on
the basis of statistical data, the composition of the judiciary corps in Ukraine and the
percentage of women in the courts are analyzed, attention is focused on the gender distribution
of heads of legal entities and private entrepreneurs in Ukraine. The content of the concept
«glass ceiling» in the professional activity of a woman is determined.

Importance of E-Commerce in the Development of Economy and Business

The article investigates the tendencies of a global e-commerce market and its legislative regulation. The value of e-commerce for domestic businesses as well as the main advantages of electronic commerce over the traditional one is shown. The features of e-commerce implementation in Ukraine are determined.

The importance of effective legal proceedings to the energies justice in Рoland

Generalized substantive content terminological apparatus with respect to the various 
fields of activity, accented on the importance of the content and spirit of the effective operation 
of the judicial system. The results of investigation proceedings in the judicial system in Poland, 
evaluated the effectiveness of its functioning as a whole and of court proceedings.  
Systematized European and international approaches to the assessment of the efficiency 
of the justice systems in the context of the evaluation methodology used in the Polish practice.  

Reforming the tax system in the new economic strategy

The article analyzes the current tax system, they do not address the needs of the state and encourage financial loans. A new economic strategy of tax system in which the tax is introduced – State allowance for realization of the final product. Taxes on producers of goods and services liquidated . The calculations confirming the increase in revenue more than doubled NF based economy out of the shadows

Administrative and legal mechanisms to prevent violations in the sphere of economics as a basis for economic stability state

The article deals with the issue of effective administrative and legal mechanism for preventing crime in the economy, to create appropriate conditions for the realization and protection of the national interests of the national economy, support of socio-political stability of the state and so on.