
The causes of emigration processes in the countries of the visegrad group

The article is devoted to analyzing the peculiarities of the emigration processes in the countries of the Visegrad Group prior to their accession, in the course of accession and after joining the EU. The author found out the differences in socio-economic development and birth rates in the countries of Western Europe and the countries of the Visegrad Group. As the result, the cyclical and structural causes of emigration processes in the countries of the Visegrad Group were singled out.

Вплив міграційних процесів на формування структури містобудівного об’єкта

Стихійні міграційні процеси активно впливають як на територію, котра генерує ці процеси, так і на “приймаючу” територію (область або регіон). Тобто віддалені від місць прикладення праці сільські поселення швидко спустошуються (населення активно емігрує), а міста-мегаполіси диференціювались на зони концентрації міграційних мас, які перетворюють міста в неконтрольовану і хаотично забудовану територію.

Migration processes: concept, essence, current state

The article deals with the concept, essence, modern state of migration processes. Based on international legal acts, the terminology used to determine migration and migration processes is analyzed. Characterizes the methodological principles of constructing a migration model based on the concepts and approaches that exist in the scientific literature, the peculiarities of migration processes, their connection with economic, social, demographic, cultural and legal factors, and the mutual relationship between immigration and emigration.

The activities of Generals Vsevolod Petriv and Mikhail Omelyanovich-Pavlenko in the organization of the National Archives and Museums in Emigration

The analysis of these sources and professional literature in the article attempts to highlight the theoretical views of the famous military leader, General cornet V. Petriw, plan on ordering and exhibiting documents and exhibits in the National Museum Archives at Hromadoznavstva Institute in Prague. Particular attention is focused on the problem of preserving the achievements of Ukrainian history and culture in exile. Thus, in Prague in 1923, the Institute was Hromadoznavstva shutter National Museum archive to preserve and protection of monuments of great historical value.