
Моделювання процесу фільтрації рідини в неоднорідному пористому пласті з врахуванням електрокінетичного ефекту

Розглядається двофазне в’язко-пружне стохастично-неоднорідне середовище, яке моделює насичену рідиною проникливу гірську породу. Для цього середовища отримано рівняння фільтрації та формули для проникливості. На основі розв’язку рівняння фільтрації для безмежного середовища з однією свердловиною отримано потоки рідини та густину струму, викликаного електрокінетичним ефектом. Розраховане магнітне поле навколо свердловини, викликане цим струмом.

Improving Code Compression for Arm Cortex M Microcontrollers Using Pre- Filtering

For last decades code size is no longer a concern except small embedded systems. ARM Cortex M is a typical microcontroller architecture of such systems. A simple yet effective approach based on pre- filtering Thumb2 binary code is proposed to improve code compression by the general purpose Deflate algorithm. It transforms BL (branch and link) instructions pointing to the same effective address before compression, and restores original opcodes after decompression.


The article is devoted to the development of biometric identification methods based on new filtration methods. Biometric identification systems need constant improvement, because they often work slowly and give the wrong result. To increase the reliability of biometric image recognition, the method is formed, which is formed from the stages: segmentation, normalization, local orientation estimation, local estimation, spine frequency estimation, Gabor filter implementation, binarization, thinning.

Адаптивний метод попередньої обробки гістологічних та цитологічних зображень.

 Developed adaptive method and algorithm of image processing. Selection and the parameters setting held in the test sample of 200 histological and cytological images. The method is based on the use of computer vision algorithms for pre-processing images from the previous parametric adaptive selection. The experimental results showed that the method and algorithm are not inferior, and in many cases is the best compared to counterparts.

Time-frequency analysis of heart sounds in spline basis

Splines have been used for the solution of the considered problems. This allows getting a single model for the three tasks and combine flexibility of the model with ease of calculations. For filtering and segmentation of acoustic signals spline filters that are similar to Savitsky-Golay filters have been used. Various widths of spline fragments provides a possibility to have different smoothness and select fragments of varying detalization.