information infrastructure

Relations in the network Internet how to object legal regulation

The article is devoted to the study of legal regulation of social relations in the Internet. The legislative regulation of the Internet as a special informational space and as a technological network is analyzed. Different approaches and classification peculiarities of legal regulation of the Internet as a technological network and as a special environment in which communicative relations are implemented are described. Determined the leading role of the state in regulating the Internet and establishing legislative provision, while the importance of self-regulatory relations.

Consulting support of the project management development in conditions of society informatization

The article justifies the necessity of changing the management paradigm in the emerging information society. It is proved that project management is a determinant factor in cooperation of businesses during globalization. The processes of consulting environment formation as the basis of information support and the expansion of the project management application scope are analyzed. There are proposed measures to improve the project management methodology and to promote its dissemination.

Principles of forming enterprise competitive management systems with the account of socio-economic development

The article analyzes the evolution of methodological approaches in the field of enterprise management systems formation. It is shown that modern methods used in the theory of organizations continue to develop dynamically, but their scope is limited because of lagging behind the requirements of the information society. Therefore, in practice the top management often relies on the complex multi-vector approach based on their empirical knowledge. The main objective in this area is the development of a multi-instrumental complex for the enterprise management system formation.