Prerequisites for the Sustainable Development of the Ukrainian Economy

The article describes the main prerequisites for the sustainable development of the Ukrainian economy, based on statistical data analysis. Firstly, the authors examine three dimensions of sustainable development (according to the TBL approach) based on official macroeconomic indicators. Secondly, the authors offer to consider three areas of the national economy as the main potential for sustainable development of the national economy. Based on it, the authors elaborate recommendations for boosting most attractive areas and harmonizing all aspects of sustainable development.

Intellectual system of formation of personal educational trajectories in IT

The existing development of the educational field at the intermediate stage of secondary and higher education is analyzed. The idea of creating a kind of intellectual recommendation system for creation of personal educational trajectories is proposed. Statistically, it is fair to assume that the choice of a future profession depends on different factors, but the basis is always grounded on at least an average level of success in the relevant subject areas.

Комп’ютерні засоби освітніх процесів для людей з вадами зору. Аналітичний огляд

Розглянуто проблематику стану комп’ютерного інформаційного забезпечення людей з вадами зору, наводиться аналіз світових розроблень та досліджень за такою тематикою. Описано різні проекти, націлені на створення віртуальних навчальних середовищ, пристосованих для людей з вадами зору та незрячих. У сучасних електронних навчальних підручниках може використовуватись контент з вставками рисунків, діаграм, формул тощо.

Development of the intellectual system architecture based on innovative methods for teaching students

The paper discusses virtual computer game laboratory named SAUDAI – innovative methods of teaching students of the IT trends which will encourage them to learn and generate students’ interest for learning and research.