
Scientific and methodological culture as a factor in the development of public sphere in Ukraine

Problem statement. Modern Ukraine, which carries out the public management modernization, faces challenging tasks, both practical and theoretical. To solve them, it is necessary to make an in-depth theoretical substantiation and refer to the semantic foundations of the development of modern civilization. It is particularly important in current circumstances, when the Russian Federation, along with military aggression, wages a semantic or ideological and methodological war, i.e. a struggle for consciousness, awareness and an adequate attitude of people to real processes.


Today, cultural issues should be one of the most popular among the viewers of the Ukrainian channels, because such programs affect the level of their education and culture in general. Modern globalization has determined the specifics of socio-cultural dynamics, and media play an important role in this process, demonstrating a channel of translation of the values ​​and content of mass culture, whose stereotypes are widely disseminated in the socio-cultural space. Media in modern society have a significant impact on the formation of value orientations.

Certain aspects of the philosophical-sociological understanding of crime

The article states that a purely positivist understanding of crime is insufficient for its
comprehensive study, and the study of this phenomenon must go beyond the right to the sociophilosophical
level. Crime as a social phenomenon has been analyzed. The correlation between the
development of law and the evolution of criminal behavior is emphasized; the mutual influence of these
processes is substantiated. The role of free will of the person in choosing the model of behavior is


The problem of preserving a national memory is quite relevant to modern Ukraine. The century of domination of invaders in our land did not pass without a trace. The material and spiritual values created by the Ukrainian people were destroyed or accepted to the achievements of other peoples. The temporary rulers left their dominance mark on our lands in the magnificent monuments of architecture and art, glorifying emperors, kings, and magnates.


Architecture from the aesthetics criteria point of view is in unique position, is being the high art and utilitarian, material thing at the same time. The famous formula of Vitruvius, "utilitas, firmitas, venustas" [utility, strength, beauty] reveals synthesis of spirit and matter. Architecture, that have been a monumental art, at the same time is very visual: it is constantly around us, has created habitat and acquiring in this way has the obvious superiority in case of influence on people.

Problem of education of collective and personality in A. S. Makarenko’s works, and their role in educational process of MIA of Ukraine (to 90th anniversary of his death)

A. S. Makarenko became a part of history of the world pedagogy as one of the prominent theorists and a practical innovator. Study and publication of his works in 29 languages of the peoples of the USSR prove the fact that A. Makarenko became a world-class educator. His works were published in 24 languages abroad. The formation of A. Makarenko’s philosophical and pedagogical worldview was greatly influenced by the works of prominent foreign teachers Ya. Komensky, I. Pestalozzi, K. Ushinsky, J. J. Russo, J. Locke, I. Disterverg etc. A.

Legacy of the World Educational Space and Its Influence on the Interaction of Education and Culture

The article analyzes interaction of the educational system and culture during the process of world educational space development. Versatile influence of the world educational space on the creation of a new educational and cultural reality, in which take place self-realization of the individual, enhancement of the dialogue of cultures and preservation of national and cultural peculiarities is theoretically grounded.

Museums of the 21st Century in the context of globalization: new meanings, challenges and trends

Modern museum environment intensively passes the process of transformation in the context of global geopolitical, economic, social and cultural changes. It is impossible to forget that exactly museums are for today that perform the duty of forming of historical memory of the Ukrainian people and identities, promotes self-actualization of nation.

Lviv cultural and artistic institutions of the late 18th-19th centuries and their influence on the development of the city

Lviv has never been a large manufacturing center with the huge enterprises, factories, and integrated producers. This city has never been related to the populous cities of Ukraine. The success of this city is in a beneficial geopolitical position, an attractive investment climate, a great amount of academic and cultural institutions and the most important is a high qualification of the staff that lives there. 

American identity: global dimension

The article attempts to analyze the perception of American identity and its international importance through ethnic, religious, political, legal, and economic components. It is determined that ethnically modern America is formed by assimilation of the indigenous population and immigrants from Europe, Asia, Africa, etc. as they contributed to the formation of many political, social, constitutional and religious institutions of the new country, the definition of American identity and values.