
Andrusiak І. On the role of the logical method of knowledge in scientific and legal research

Research is conducted among all branches of legal sciences. Research and development work is included in the concept of “research”. Research is the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting information to answer questions. To qualify this process as research, it must have certain characteristics: it must, as far as possible, be controlled, systematic, valid and verified, empirical and critical. Each industry uses scientific research methods in different quantities and different fields. The role of logic in research is key because it helps to draw sound conclusions.

Laws, forms and methods of thinking in scientific papers Olexander Kulchytsky

Logic is one of the oldest sciences. We talk about it as art of statements and arguments. Anyone who masters this science will be able to effectively achieve their own goals by acquiring new knowledge and producing their own ideas. Ability to critically evaluate opponents statements and respondents arguments will allow them not to succumb to the pressure of commercial media, promises of politicians, etc.

The Types of Notions in “German Logic” of Christian Wolff (Research Article)

The article discusses the problem of classification of notions (Begriffe) by Christian Wolff, particularly in his “German Logic”. Wolff divides notions – as well as representations (Vorstellungen) in general – into obscure (dunkel, obscura) and clear (klar, clara). The clear notions are divided into distinct (deutlich, distincta) and indistinct (undeutlich, indistincta or confusa).

Contradicting essence of movement: natural and legal motivation

The article examines the natural and legal motivation of the contradictory nature of the movement. Based on the laws of mechanics, natural law is substantiated and it is proved that it always needs to be verified with natural laws. The above author’s definition presents the metaphysical unity of physics, philosophy, logic and canon law, which contributes to the ontological solution of the problems of contradictory movement in law. The dynamics of world laws of nature have an impact on human anthropology, which would not otherwise be called the microworld.

Elements, Types and Consequences of Scientific Creativity. Foreword to the Ukrainian Translation of Jan Łukasiewicz’s article “Creativity in Science”

For the first time, the article “Creativity in Science” by Jan Łukasiewicz, a well-known representative of the Lviv-Warsaw School, logician and methodologist of science, was translated into Ukrainian. A well-known logician refutes the thesis that sciences exist only to reproduce facts and establish truths based on them. Sciences exist to meet the intellectual needs of man, which are manifested in his desire to understand. Reasoning is a creative act that includes demonstration, deduction, affirmation and understanding, as well as creation of hypotheses.

The phenomenon of legal logical communication

The article focuses on one of the elements of legal communication normative culture of
constructing narrative at the level of logic. The genesis of the maturation of theory and philosophy of
logic is taken into account. The basic typical connections of the logic of the legal text with the norms in
the statements of oral written legal discourses ah with the lexical morphological as well as syntactic and
stylistic levels of the legal text are analyzed.

Jurisprudence in the context of scientific theories of the present

The pressing questions of methodology of cognition of scientific theories are considered. The scientific theories of modern jurisprudence, their structure are investigated. Development of jurisprudental theories is grounded in the general structure of scientific theories. Pay attention to the organization of law as a science. The problem of cost freedom of science, that us will interest different character and touch, is considered. It be comes firmly established that every science uses the tool of logic.

Philosophical and legal determinants forming legal argentation at the New time (XVII–XIX centuries)

The  influence  of  philosophical-legal  ideas  of  the  period  of  the  New  Age,  the  main 
tendencies  of  the  development  of  logic  and  rhetoric  on  the  formation  of  the  theory  of  legal 
argument  is  revealed.  It  is  emphasized  the  decisive  influence  of  rationalism  as  a  new  scientific 
paradigm  on  the  formation  of  new  approaches  in  argumentation.  The  analysis  of  the 
correlation  between  logic  and  rhetoric  in  philosophical  knowledge  and  its  influence  on  the